About me

I was born on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean. I came to the USA in 1993 and I graduated from San Francisco State University with a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology in 1999. I received my license as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 2005.

I have always had a curiosity about the meaning of life and a strong interest in Eastern Religions (Hinduism and Buddhism). I grew up in the Greek Orthodox Christian tradition and I am familiar with life in a more conservative religious environment. In my journey I was exposed to a variety of “new age” teachers and methods and I draw from a variety of traditions in my work.

I fell in love with the Hakomi method of body-centered psychotherapy as soon as I was ex- posed to it, as it can truly take one much deeper in the experience of oneness/authentic self and much faster. It uses a combination awareness (mindfulness), turned inwards with the sensation of the body being the first stop.

I am also enjoying working with David Burn’s T.E.A.M CBT method. It’s very effective in shift the brain into a rather blissful state. See the page tab above for more info.

I am also influenced by Buddhist psychotherapy and i have done a good number of retreats the last few years.

I am professional, yet warm and interactive and i see myself as a facilitator in your journey and I take a stance for your self who wants to be joyful and thrive in all areas of life.

You can contact me at 510-239-3976

or by email at georgevmft@gmail.com